8th Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions


The following rules apply to the registration process of the 8th Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions:

  1. The conference fee includes attendance at all the sessions, participation certificate, a copy of the conference proceedings, lunch and session break refreshments.

  2. At least one author of each communication (posters or oral presentations) included in the final program should register for the conference. Registration must be received by the organization until March 17, 2008.

  3. Participants registered in the 8th Portuguese Robotics Open competitions and not included under the conditions set in point 2, may attend the conference sessions without payment of the registration fee.

  4. Students, members of the Portuguese Robotics Society and participants in the 8th Portuguese Robotics Open competitions are eligible for a discount in the registration fee.

Those interested in registering for the conference should fill this registration form and send it to:

E-mail: anabela.viegas at ua.pt

Fax:  +351-234-370545


Depart. Electron. Telecom. Informática
a/c Robotica2008 - Anabela Viegas
Universidade de Aveiro
Campus de Santiago
3810-193 Aveiro
