Strategic Looking MechanismIn a complex domain such as soccer, sensors must be coordinated and used in a very intelligent way to enable an agent to maintain an accurate world state. However, the interest of a given part of the world state to an agent is different according to the situation. For example, if an agent has the ball controlled and is near the opponent’s goal, then the position and velocity of the opponent’s goalie is a very important part of the world state, while the ball (that is controlled) and the position of the players near the middle of the field have reduced interest. FC Portugal SLM intelligent perception mechanism decides the agent looking direction according to the situation and with the confidence it has on the positions and velocities of all the objects in the field. For each of the possible looking directions, a utility measure is calculated that estimates the usefulness for the agent to look on that direction. The best (possible) looking direction is then selected and an appropriate turn neck command is issued. |