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Offline Client
In some situations the layered extrospection log files created by our
players were not enough to understand what was really happening in a certain
situation. In these situations employing our offline client tool enabled a much finer
debugging degree. The principle of the offline client is that we can repeat the
execution of a player over exactly the same setting of a previous game, and then
we can use a normal debugger (like gdb) to examine the contents of all
variables, set breakpoints in the program code, etc. A special log file, that
records every interaction with the server and the occurrence of timer signals,
must be generated to use the offline client. To repeat the execution of a
player, a stub routine was implemented that reads the log file previously
mentioned instead of reading the network. Player’s behaviour is maintained as
it is not affected by the substitution of this stub routine and the execution of
a normal debugger over this offline client allows a very fine tracking of what
happened. This is especially useful to debug low-level code bugs.
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